About the property
The space was scanned at specific milestones (As build, After Demolition, After First Fix, and At completion) during the project to provide 100% visual documentation in an easy to navigate and automatically organized format. Specific points within the space can be tagged and augmented with additional photos, videos or information to simplify and bolster communication of RFIs (Requests for Information) to the design team. Your team will be able to effectively collaborate inside of your virtual space no matter where they are in the world!

- After acquisition
- At the completion of demolition: We scan the raw space to provide 3D data to jump-start the BIM (Building Information Modeling) process for MEP (Mechanical, Engineering, Plumbing) heavy spaces and permanently and completely define existing as-built conditions.
- At the completion of MEP (Mechanical, Engineering, Plumbing) installation: Document as-built conditions at the MEP stage with accurate and measurable data that can be referenced at a later date to simplify changes, resolve conflicts and provide backup for change order claims.
- At completion: Showcase your beautiful finished product by embedding your virtual space into your project web page! Provide a complete volume of visual as-built and 3D data in your closeout package that the owner can keep for reference or maintenance, repairs and to greatly simplify the process of remodelling in the future. The completion scan can also provide a fantastic communication tool for punch lists as well. Just locate the punch list items by adding tags to your space that you can then share with the responsible subcontractors!