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Best Real Estate Photography Do’s and Don’ts for Attractive and Powerful Photos

Recent statistics shows that 9 out of 10 homebuyers, or 90%, start making decisions online. Therefore, it is important to invest in high resolution real estate photography to get more sales and better conversion rates.

Here are some of the most important rules for real estate photography:

Real estate photography Do’s

1. Do plan your shooting to prepare properly

Know what to record and how to record for equipment, people, natural lighting and timing.

2. Do Use the right equipment to get the highest quality possible

If you need high resolution output, first use the appropriate camera or phone camera settings. Next, prepare a tripod or a sturdy surface so that the photo of the property is not blurred.

3. Do Highlight the best features to ensure uniqueness

There are thousands, if not millions, of photos of real estate properties on the real estate market, so make sure to highlight the unique architectural details in your photos to capture all the benefits.

4. Do Take photos of all the property assets to meet expectations

If you are selling a house or real estate property, you should take a photo from the sidewalk to show the entire house. The scenery is part of your purchase, so it’s important to live up to expectations by showing your surroundings.

5. Do Create a home staging scene to make better use of the space

Home staging is essential to making the most of your space, and this process inspired what we call the Seattle Real Estate Photo Showroom. Virtual staging is digital just like home staging.

(In today’s world, home staging is essential for maximizing space, and this process has influenced what is known as Seattle’s real estate photography showroom. Virtual staging is a digital version of home staging.)

6. Do Use the latest technology to improve image quality

There are many postproduction software apps and tools that you can use to enhance your images. Moreover, you can also get in contact with professional real estate photographers in your area.

7. Do se post-production tools to make sure the final outcome is Listing-Ready

No matter how the image looks in the viewfinder, it is helpful to edit it so that there are no missing or out-of-focus areas.

Real estate photography don’ts

1. Don’t forget to diversify the picture so that it is not monotonous

When displaying multiple properties at the same time, play with different angles or areas as long as the angles are realistic.

2. Don’t use unrealistic or bright lenses to avoid unrealistic expectations

Make sure the image is as close to the real model as possible, especially when shooting real estate.

3. Don’t forget about tidying up the space, so you don’t waste too much time on post-production

There are many companies that can offer clearing and decluttering post-production. However, it can consume a lot of resources to digitally change the image, instead of hiding the trash bin while shooting.

4. Don’t forget to review all shootings and recordings before editing

Be prepared for a stack of omissions, revaluations and failures as you browse through real estate photos. Save time on post-production by sorting in advance.

5. Don’t skip test frames! Ensure that the hardware is working properly

No one wants a non-working camera. So, before we actually shoot, we need to do some test shots to make sure the camera is working as expected.

6. Don’t include photos of yourself or your pets unless provided with the House

Real estate listings do not provide an opportunity to show you or your pets. Moreover, your images may be marked as irrelevant.


7. Don’t neglect your expertise when hiring a photographer

Each and every type of photography has its own standards and qualities. Therefore, keep this in mind when looking for real estate photographers in your area.

Final Thought’s

As we all know, real estate photography is evolving rapidly due to the innovation and introduction of the latest technology. As long as you plan your listing by following the recommendations and prohibitions above, you can create better listing material.

Real Estate Photography Don’ts

1. Don’t Forget to Give Your Photos Variety to Avoid Being Monotonous

Play with different angles or areas if you are featuring multiple properties at a time as long as they are realistic angles.

2. Don’t Use Unrealistic or Flashy Lenses to Avoid Unrealistic Expectations

Ensure that the images look as close to the real-life model as possible, especially when you’re doing property photography.

3. Don’t Neglect Cleaning Up to Avoid Spending Too Much Time on Post-Production

There are a lot of companies that can offer decluttering and post-production. However, it may take up too much of your resources to digitally alter the images rather than hiding the garbage bin while you’re doing the shot.

4. Don’t Forget to Assess All Shots Before Editing

Prepare pass, reassess and fail piles when looking through your real estate photography Seattle images. Save time during post-production by sorting them in advance.

5. Don’t Skip the Test Shots to Check if Your Equipment is Working Properly

The last thing you need is an unfunctional camera. You should conduct test shots before the actual shoot to ensure that your camera is working accordingly.

6. Don’t Include Photos of Yourself or Your Pets Unless They Come with the House

The property listing is not an opportunity for you to showcase yourself or your pets, and your image is in danger of being tagged as irrelevant.

7. Don’t Disregard Expertise when Hiring a Photographer

Every type of photography has its own sets of standards and quality, so remember that when looking for real estate photography near you.

Final Thoughts

Real estate photography is evolving faster due to the innovation and introduction of cutting-edge technology. You’ll create better listing materials as long as you follow the do’s and don’ts mentioned above and plan your listing.

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